Thursday, April 3

Time for a conspiracy theory

Big Brother is watching.

I walked by my window as I was getting ready for work yesterday morning and noticed this ominous structure staring right into my apartment. It hadn't been there the day before, and must have been erected under cover of darkness.

Later in the day, I asked a police officer strolling through the park what was going on. He didn't really know, except that the thing had apparently been a waste of $60,000 and could be used to look down over large crowds. Right. Just after our conversation, a police helicopter began circling overhead.

I grew even more paranoid after I asked my roommate, whose room faces the park, whether he had experienced any strange nightmares the previous evening. Actually, he'd dreamed he was a CIA operative. One minute he was fighting with who he thought to be the good guys. Then his handler ordered him to terminate them. But we're on the same side, he said. Trust us, his handler replied.

Someone please monitor these posts over the next few days. If you notice any Newspeak or other worrying deviations from my regular ramblings, please contact immediately.


Jenn said...

As someone who openly admits to being prone to paranoia, this post really freaks me. the. heck. out.

Anonymous said...

So how do the cops get up in that tower? I don't see a ladder. Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just post a security camera somewhere? Looks like someone got a new toy in the Homeland Security money grab.

Mike G said...

Apparently the thing can lower itself to the ground to let people in, then rise back up to "look over the tops of crowds."

You know the old budget adage: if you don't spend it, you lose it.

Anonymous said...

This is insane. It's definentely a conspiracy that needs looking into.