Monday, July 7

Celebrate me

Yup-Town will be changing hands next week, because I'm heading out of the country. More on that over the next few days.

To fill the void, make your way over to the annual festival held in my honor. That's right: The Giglio Feast. The feast will feature, as always, the majestic Dance of the Giglio, which should not be missed. Here's a brief, but very accurate, description:

Why is a Giglio danced?
For over 300 years in Italy, and the past century in communities throughout the greater New York area, this glorious ritual known as 'The Dance of the Giglio' has been celebrated each Summer with unbridled passion and devotion.

The Dance of the Giglio will also likely be on display at the Breakfast Club and points throughout Charlotte over the weekend, for those unable to make the trip to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, or the homeland.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

no more mike giglio posts! what's a girl to do?