Monday, June 30

'Just make it sexy'

In April, my friend Dick informed me of the amusing hiring practices at Whisky River when we dropped by for one of the bar's many grand openings. He had been creepily observing the tryouts from a window at work (the post):

They would show up in groups of "two to seven," all good looking and lacquered with makeup. Dick claimed to have overheard the following conversation outside his place of business one day:

Girl: What do I wear to the next interview?
Recruiter (male): Just make it sexy.

I asked one bleached blond bartender how she got her job. 'Like this,' she said, and closed her eyes and smiled real big. Then she mentioned her many years of experience as a bartender. To be fair, another also said she was hired after passing a test of her abilities behind the bar. Also for the record, she was young, blond and attractive too.

Apparently, this might be the practice throughout the EpiCentre. Or at least at Suite as well. Check out what Meck has to say at her blog "Keeping up with the Belks." She recently failed to get hired there:

"As much as it bothers me that this is how they determine who to hire, it bothers me even more that this is how they determine who to hire, and they aren't hiring me! ...

"But the point is, I have a good body. I realize that because I don’t believe in fake baking (in the summer), and don’t have plastic boobs or platinum blonde hair – that makes me not that desirable to Charlotte men at large. But I get checked out by the Brooks Brothers crowd and ogled by summer associates at my office enough to know that I could sell a ton of $8 shots to young professionals trying to get drunk on a Thursday night."

You can read her entire post here.

Best of luck to all the aspiring young table dancers out there.